A community is a large, interconnected group in life formed by the gathering of several social groups or social organizations in a certain field. It is the most basic content of a social organism and a microcosm of a macro society. Sociologists define more than 140 definitions of communities. A community is a community that has some kind of interactive relationship and common cultural sustaining force. It is a community formed by interconnected people in a certain area and its activity area.
If you have related intentions and resources, please contact our investment manager
Mr. Huang 18688205305
Geriacomium, a non-profit organization that provides elderly care services for the elderly, is also known as nursing home. Nursing homes in western countries are usually run by local governments or charities in cooperation with businesses and can accommodate elderly people with a variety of needs.
If you have related intentions and resources, please contact our investment manager
Mr. Huang 18688205305
Service Hotline:黄先生 18688205305
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